Protein IS The Most Important Macro

Animal protein is necessary for healthy aging.

Your muscles, tendons, organs, and skin are made from protein.

Hormones, cellular processes, and your nervous system also rely on protein to function.

Most people aren’t eating enough animal protein to support their health.

Are You?

Does this sound like you?

• Do you worry about bone density and healthy aging?

• Have you struggled with weight loss resistance?

• Is frequent fatigue a concern?

• Are you concerned about aging skin and hair?

• If you could stabilize your mood via food would you?

Imagine feeling confident about your current and future health.

Animal protein is rich in anti-aging Carnosine and Carnitine which helps support disease prevention.

What if you had energy to do all activities you've been missing?

Vitamin B-12, Heme Iron, Carnitine, and Creatine all supply your cells with critical nutrition needed for energy production.

Animal protein supports your mental focus, mood, and eases anxiety.

Zinc, B-12, Heme Iron, and Taurine support mental health and mood along with easing anxiety.

Why Animal Protein?

* Carnitine, Creatine, Taurine, and Heme Iron are only found in animal protein

Most Women Don't Eat Enough Animal Protein

For decades we've been told meat is unhealthy. Even though we're eating less our collective health continues to decline. Hint: Meat isn't the problem.

Research has shown eating more protein helps people lose weight but staying healthy is about more than what you weigh.

You deserve to feel vibrant while supporting your long term health. Animal protein is a key component if you want to get healthy and stay healthy.

Which is why I’m excited to introduce:

Protein Queens

This is what happens you eat enough animal protein:

* Stronger bones and muscles

* Immune system support

* Weight loss becomes easier

* Muscle building is easier (key to longevity)

* Brain and nervous system support

* Reduced cravings

* Better hair and skin

* Supports the healthy aging process

Becoming A Protein Queen

2 Week Focus On Eating More Protein

No major diet changes required. The only goal is to help you focus on eating more animal protein.

Workbook To Track Your Progress

A printable workbook to visually track your protein intake. Meal planning and special offers included.

Recipes & Cooking Tips

You’ll get High Protein recipes and time saving tips. Not sure how to cook that? There’s a collection of guides to help.

User Friendly

Daily tips and reminders to help keep you focused. Weekly self reflection to assess your progress and assess your goals.

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Animal Protein Myths

Meat rots inside your intestines

Stomach acid is the perfect tool for digesting animal protein. Meat does not rot inside your intestines.

Animal protein is hard on the kidneys

Meat is bad for the environment

Beef is the only carbon negative food source. Agriculture however is the most polluting industry. Animals eating their native diets are the perfect food for human nutrition and reversing climate change.

High cholesterol is bad

Only 20% of serum cholesterol comes from your diet. The other 80% is made by the liver. Cholesterol is important for hormone production, Vitamin D synthesis, and cell wall structures. When it comes to cholesterol it's all about context. Inflammation caused by polyunsaturated fats, processed foods, and sweeteners set the stage for atherosclerosis. People with low cholesterol as just as likely to develop heart disease as someone with high cholesterol.

Saturated fat isn't healthy

Saturated fat is stable under high temperatures and it's one of the best fats you can cook with and eat. Tallow, beef fat, rich in stearic acid helps reverse the cellular damage created by years of vegetable oil (polyunsaturated fat) consumption. When you eat saturated fats from animal foods you'll get the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K2. Eating saturated fat also causes the body to produce more HDL cholesterol - the good kind.

Can I do this program as a vegan / vegetarian?

For best results this program is designed for those who consume animal protein. The recipes included do not contain vegan or vegetarian dishes.

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